Ethereal Portal
Ethereal Portal

Assalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!

In this first article, I will share my experience about autodidacts that I experienced.
Autodidact is the meaning of the phrase "Self-Learning", self-learning is exploring one's own knowledge without the guidance of a tutor teacher who teaches, Autodidact is a natural talent that is obtained by someone who is a gift and trustee from Allaah Who is the Most Gracious.

Now I will share my experience in autodidact, I take a general education only limited to Vocational High Schools (SMK). I don't study at a college or university like today's people. What I got from Allaah The Most Giving is His grace and grace and His mandate that I must be grateful for, I am very fond of the technology field, especially in the field of design and networking. Design and networking are the body and life on the Web, be it in the form of websites, blogs and portals.

Without being self-paced and pessimistic, I try to explore my hobbies or hobbies. Prayer and working on my main capital, at first I made a simple portal like a very simple book. Then I saw or explored websites, blogs and portals that were famous in the internet world to make me compare and I was aroused to encourage the improvement of the quality of my portal to my current portal. Remember!
"Man Jadda Wajadda " meaningful "Whoever really means it can, and again "Where there is a will, there is a way".
 Speaking of grace, I suggest to use our abilities wisely and not betray this gift. If we are trustworthy in receiving grace, Allaah, the Most Clever, will give more than now. What needs to be underlined is for friends who learn by themselves, don't be arrogant and forget the land. Never underestimate the place of education and students because each human being has a different fate. For students, especially at the university level, I said that "We who are not in school like you are successful by learning by yourself, especially those of you who are supported by high education facilities should be smarter, are you not ashamed of us?
I invite all friends to take advantage of this gift on the Allaah of the Most Merciful Way.

Alhamdulillaah, I think this is enough that I can tell you in this article.
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Inshaa Allaah, I hope my article can help all friends!
Wassalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!
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