Assalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!
HitBTC is the most sophisticated cryptocurrency exchange in the world. Starting in 2013, HitBTC has provided market services for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, USDT, and more than 300 cryptocurrency in total.
HitBTC is made from the efforts of extraordinary technical minds, high-level financial professionals, and experienced traders, HitBTC gives you the most reliable, fast, and very powerful exchange platform solution in the cryptocurrency market.
The HitBTC exchange platform is very popular and has gained a good reputation for fault tolerance, flawless uptime and very high availability. The core printing machine is one of the best technology and best in class in offering traders a variety of advanced features such as real-time clearing and cutting-edge algorithms.
🔆 The rebate system is very attractive to the most powerful market makers in creating high liquidity
🔆 There is no limit to deposit and withdrawal of digital assets
🔆 Super advanced engine technology
🔆 Various instruments are provided (more than 500)
🔆 Very sophisticated API on the market (REST API and FIX API)
HitBTC's flagship market is BTC Markets
Access to the cryptocurrency asset exchange technology platform under the registered trademark HIT Solution Inc.
Alhamdulillaah, I think this is enough that I can tell you in this article.
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Wassalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!